10 Inspiring Quotes That Lead You From Survival Mode To Passionate Purpose-Filled Living


These 10 quotes are inspiring to say the least. They touch on the basic human need to connect with what lies deep within us. We are all driven by desires unique to us that show us the direction in which we should go and ask a simple question “Will you live your life to the fullest?”


quotation-marks Sharing your gifts and talents with the world is a powerful source of connection with God. -Brene Brown


We’ve all been gifted with God-given abilities and through those abilities we have the opportunity to impact the world for the better. Sharing our gifts with others gives us a connection to God unlike any other.

Brene’s quote encompasses that truth. Our spiritual gifts equip us for service. The gifts God has given each of us are unique. But as specific as they are to each of us, our biggest challenge is discovering them and learning how to use them.


quotation-marks One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now. -Paulo Coelho


Coelho’s warning of just how short and precious life is serves as a reminder that we don’t have time to waste.

Can we spend our lives living each day the same as the last? Sure we can, but what a waste that would be.

Truly living is a once in a lifetime opportunity and each day that we wake up and climb out of bed we have a choice to make: will we live today the same as yesterday, or will we live today like it’s our last?


quotation-marks The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of your life is to give it away. -Pablo Picasso


Our gifts have not met their purpose until they are gifted to others. We sometimes forget that there is a greater purpose for our talents than only exploring them for ourselves. They’re not meant to be ours to stay boxed up for our own enjoyment.

What if Paul McCartney spent his life writing songs to sing to himself or Michael Jackson was satisfied singing and dancing in front of the mirror?

The instinct to share our gifts with the world is inherent. Though that’s not to say that fear doesn’t stop many people from doing so.


quotation-marks What fuels your spirit fuels your body. -Caroline Myss


Just the same, “what drains your spirit drains your body.” We are fueled by what ignites our spirit. Within each of us is a small flickering flame that longs to burn brightly. The more we fuel it the brighter it becomes.

Through his songs it’s clear to see that music fueled Paul McCartney’s spirit. He dedicated his life to his art because he was fulfilled by his work and he’d probably say that he’s incomplete without it.


quotation-marks Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul. -Alice Walker


Beauty takes on many forms. Writers find beauty in words, architects find beauty in structures, dancers find beauty in movement. It’s beauty that fuels the spirit and in turn fuels the body.

Without beauty, creating would be unappealing and lack luster.


quotation-marks Any talent we have, but do not use becomes a burden. -Elizabeth Gilbert


McCartney is revered as one of the greatest songwriters of all time, but imagine who he would have been if he held in all of his talent and didn’t share his strengths with the world.

He would have been burdened by the weight of his gifts. Instead of finding joy in them, he would have carried them around like baggage.

As years passed the burden would have grown harder and harder to bear and would have ultimately negatively affected every other part of his life.


quotation-marks If you can dream it you can do it. -Walt Disney


If anyone knows this to be true it’s Walt Disney. His imagination changed the world forever and still lives on long after his passing.

The belief that your life is only limited to your own imagination has been around for centuries. Many have known this to be true and have also proven that it’s true.

But there are still those who are doubtful; that feel as though there is no uncharted territory left to explore, that their limitations are too difficult to overcome, that people like Mr. Disney must have just been lucky.


quotation-marks Do what you can with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt


Waiting for the perfect time, the perfect circumstances or the perfect platform is as deadly to your creativity as land is to a fish. When you don’t immerse yourself in what you love and let it pour out of you, you’re killing off a part of you that wants to be alive and wants to thrive.

Have you felt the pain of stuffing your gifts into a box and hiding them away? What you’re waiting for isn’t going to happen. The right circumstances, timing and platform aren’t going to plop in your lap. You have to chase them down. If these things presented themselves to all the gifted people in the world everyone would be actively living out their dreams.

Instead the world is divided into two categories: those who are waiting for the perfect _________, and those who are chasing their dreams. Be the latter.


quotation-marks You must find the place inside of you where nothing is impossible. -Deepak Chopra


The belief that nothing is impossible is one that you have to realize for yourself. No one can convince you that impossibilities only lie inside your mind. You have to understand that truth for yourself.

And it’s a liberating truth to say the least. There truly is no limit to what you can do with your life.

Remember, impossible things are happening every day.


quotation-marks Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln


In all that you do, in all that you create, in all that you share with the world, let goodness be at the core of it.

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